If you are thinking of going into a knitting business, than the knitting machine would be your best choice. You will be able to produce quality items much more quickly with a machine than you would be able to with hand knitting.
Brother knitting machine part
I have always owned and used the Brother knitting machines. I had 3 or 4 machines at all times. But Brother quit making them so now you can only buy used ones. A used machine is not a bad choice though. I have bought two used machines online and have had no trouble with either one them.
But the machines I used were not computerized or electrical either. All the machines I owned and used for my business were punchard bulky or standard machines. The punchards were 24 stitches repeat and provided plenty of choices for designs.
The also had many choices of stitches yo use. There was the lace stitch, weave, and fairisle just to mention a few. I could do intarsia, multiple patterns or even isolate one if I wanted. I had so many choices I never saw a need to get the biggest, fanciest machine available on the market. All I needed was a bulky or standard and a punchard and I had all the business I could manage.
Bond knitting machine pattern
If you know your machine you can covert just about any other machines pattern to work on whatever machine you own. I do not know a lot about the Bond knitting machine but I do not believe it would hold up to the constant production a business would entail.
Kid knitting machine
I think the Ultimate Sweater machine is fine for the home knitter or for teaching the kids how to knit. But the production of knitting constantly needs a pretty sturdy machine.
If you do decide to buy a used machine, make sure it is clean with no oil build up or rust. If well maintained there is no reason for these machines not to last for many many years. There are not that many parts to break or cause problems, with the machines I use. You can still get needles and parts for the Brother machines. You will often see them sold under the Brother name or the Knit King Knitting machines, which are the same.
Maintenance is the keyword here. The fancier the machine, the more bells and whistles they have the more that can go wrong. Your machine choice will depend on what you plan to do. Are you going to be a designer? If you plan on creating one of kind items, than you may want all that the machines have to offer.
I needed a workhorse. Yes I designed but I designed for production of multiple items.. I never created the intricate, detailed items that take weeks to produce. Mine were fast and functional.
I could whip out a ski cap with a thick ribbed edging, a complete pattern that ran all around the entire hat and have it personalized with the requested name in three different colors in 15 minutes. I could knit about 30 hats a day, sold them for between $8.00 and $30.00 per hat. Not too bad for working at home and being available for my family.
I loved my work and always found it very fulfilling. You need to do your homework and decide what type of knitting business you want and buy your machine accordingly.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1072230
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