To accept credit card purchases from your customers, you need a simple Business card processing machine to read the magnetic stripe on the card. A receipt can be printed for the customer aftr the transaction has been authorized with some Business card processing machines having printers connected and some having them built in.
Some terminals are better suited to retail. Some are wireless for mobile transactions. You need to choose the right Business card processing machine for your business.

In case your business requires you to accept credit cards on location, like a home service call, almost any Business card processing machines will work in a phone outlet allowing you to take the equipment with you. Taking a printer along always might be filled with hassles. However, a terminal with a built in printer would work.
Business card processing machines in this configuration are also wireless. You can process a transaction almost anywhere. Or you can take an old style sliding imprinter with you, get an imprint of the card, and bring it back to your business to key in the numbers. You can also use a cellular phone with some Business card processing machine. Or process online with a Virtual Business card processing terminal if you have access to the Internet.
If you are accepting credit cards over the phone, as in mail-order, everything works the same except you will have to key in the numbers from the credit card. You would be unable to swipe the card through a reader, since your customer would not be present.
A printer is helpful when you want to keep track of purchases easily and send your customer a receipt. Otherwise, you would need to keep track of reference numbers and authorization numbers that are returned to the terminal's LED readout, when completing a sale.
If you have a restaurant, nightclub, beauty salon, or a business where you need a Business card processing machine that can track your sales receipts, you'll need a Business card processing machine that can track multiple accounts. Waitresses can have their tips separated, the different chairs in a beauty salon can each have a code number, and each could have their day's receipts assigned to the code and tracked by a Business card processing machine. Have your daily or weekly transactions broken down into categories such as average ticket, and MasterCard versus American Express purchases for example.
By Zed Miller
Some terminals are better suited to retail. Some are wireless for mobile transactions. You need to choose the right Business card processing machine for your business.

In case your business requires you to accept credit cards on location, like a home service call, almost any Business card processing machines will work in a phone outlet allowing you to take the equipment with you. Taking a printer along always might be filled with hassles. However, a terminal with a built in printer would work.
Business card processing machines in this configuration are also wireless. You can process a transaction almost anywhere. Or you can take an old style sliding imprinter with you, get an imprint of the card, and bring it back to your business to key in the numbers. You can also use a cellular phone with some Business card processing machine. Or process online with a Virtual Business card processing terminal if you have access to the Internet.
If you are accepting credit cards over the phone, as in mail-order, everything works the same except you will have to key in the numbers from the credit card. You would be unable to swipe the card through a reader, since your customer would not be present.
A printer is helpful when you want to keep track of purchases easily and send your customer a receipt. Otherwise, you would need to keep track of reference numbers and authorization numbers that are returned to the terminal's LED readout, when completing a sale.
If you have a restaurant, nightclub, beauty salon, or a business where you need a Business card processing machine that can track your sales receipts, you'll need a Business card processing machine that can track multiple accounts. Waitresses can have their tips separated, the different chairs in a beauty salon can each have a code number, and each could have their day's receipts assigned to the code and tracked by a Business card processing machine. Have your daily or weekly transactions broken down into categories such as average ticket, and MasterCard versus American Express purchases for example.
By Zed Miller
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