a) Cluster Type Diamond Dresser
In this type the diamonds which are used consist of good crystal character These tools are replace large single point. The cluster consists of 3,5,7,9,13 or 17 small diamond set in variety of pattern for larger or courser and harder wheels. More than one diamond comes in contact with wheel & the load gets divided, This is the main advantage.
b] Multi Point indexable crown type diamond dressers
'JPT' offers EM - 24 with 24 diamonds & EM 36 with 36 diamonds. The diamonds which are used consist of good crystal character sintered into the special wear resistant bond. The diamonds are set in circular crown at right angle to the operating plane. They are used for larger wheels cylindrical & centreless grinders where fine truing is considered.

The Single Point Diamond Dresser is more versatile which is used for truing and dressing purpose of grinding wheel. The diamond for the single point dressing tools are selected for their structural strength, degree of sharpness, & lack of determental flaws. The proper selection of single point diamond dresser depends on the dimension of grind hardness. grit size and abressive type. JPT offers 'A', 'AA' 'AAA' class which will fulfill basic requirement.

'JPT' Brand Of Impregnated Dressers are mainly for fine grinding, i.e. on the screw thread gear, thread gear teeth & profile grinding machines. ball grinding plant, tool grinder and plane grinding machines. Because of grit impregnated dresser the effective roughness of the wheel is restored. These tools require no maintenance. The dressing of acute angled wheel profile presets no problems. It is more economical because of their low initial cost and their resistance to shock and impact which prevents shattering.

'JPT' Brand of Multilayer Blade Type Diamond Dressers are specially recommended for the angular and centreless grinders. Multilayers blade type tool in which diamond layer in the form of a small plates is moulded in broze body. As soon as the diamonds in the first row is completely used up, the second layer is exposed. They are best suited for aluminium oxide & silicon carbide grinding wheel & for all types of larger grinding wheels.
The advantages,
• Complete use without maintenance.
• Reduce the inventory.
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